Emergency Grout Concrete Repair for City of Santa Ana

Emergency Repair Producing Grout for City of Santa Ana

Home / Projects / Emergency Repair Producing Grout for City of Santa Ana


Client: City of Santa Ana Policy Facility

Contractor: Goss Construction

Location: City of Santa Ana, California

Yards: 40 cubic yards

A new high rise police facility was under construction when a rare storm hit Orange County, California. Over two million gallons of water washed out of the base under a ground floor slab. This left voids from 4″-18″ deep under the slab. Goss Construction called upon the George L. Throop Company to produce a grout mixture of type II cement, fly ash, and it had to be the type of cement that had expansive qualities. Just less than 40 cubic yards was produced before noon to complete the filling of the voids. The Throop Company equipment was well suited for this project. There was no waste. We mixed exactly what was needed and we were able to stop, start and move the grouting equipment inside and outside the building as needed.

Goss personnel told us that they had tried to do this with a normal ready-mix truck but, unfortunately, most of the mix stuck to the fins and was a complete failure. The Throop company was able to complete the project quickly with no waste and we had very happy clients to top it off!
